ISO/IEC 27001:2013 & ISO 9001:2015 Certified
HIPAA Compliant
Guaranteed IPR and source code protection
1000 + Applications developed and deployed with featured apps too
Agile methodology practitioners
Brightest Engineering minds and creative designers from the best schools
Custom pricing models to suit your needs
Offshore/Onshore model of working
With Design thinking at heart and Agile methodologies as a practice, CodeCraft follows an “ideate-design-prototype-build-test” method of development. Beginning with Conceptualization, we prototype your ideas, vision into a concrete requirement. Our projects are helmed by a domain specialist project manager who serves as a contact person. The engineering process comprises small, focussed two-week sprint cycles with rigorous quality and feedback integrated. Every sprint ends with an addition to the product which is reviewed and tested by the client
We follow design thinking and agile methodologies at an organisational level
Domain specialist, a project manager for business contact
Constant interaction with stakeholders, feedback-driven
Focussed, Quality centric two week sprints
Healthcare and Medical
Information Technologies
Real Estate
Cloud Security
Other Industries